Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I wish I was as cool as my wife and I knew how to post pictures on my blog, but I have no idea. Anyways, I have taken up a new reading plan or two. I am reading through the Bible in a year through two plans and taking a 90 day challenge to read the entire Bible. So, this is a really intense amount of scripture to be reading. I am working 40+hours a week and trying to run HS YG and SS as well as seeing my family from time to time. Sometimes its worth it, being so busy that is, and sometimes I ask myself why I am doing this to myself and my family. I applied for a YP job last month and am still waiting to hear back for an official interview, but if the church wants me, I may very well take the job. I mean getting paid for doing what you love is a wonderful thing! I want that! The sad part is that it is not with the church I am currently at, the church I am at now is pretty cheap and would rather spend money on new chairs and carpet then pay someone to minister to their youth. Wow, I sound bitter! I guess I kinda am. I found out that they pay the normal guy a whopping $1200 a month to work there. Good thing he is working fulltime somewhere else. Why are churches so chinsey? They expect so much and give so little. Like, lets expect God to do amazing things with our church but just sit on our thumbs until he moves. God forbid that we actually get off our butts and start working for the King!