Sunday, March 1, 2009

Why we do what we do?

It seems there are so many things people do to get them into trouble. I just read an article about two Israeli kids who decided it would be funny if they exchanged vows and rings. Well, according to Rabbinical Law all people need to do to get married is to exchange vows, rings and do it in front of witnesses. The girl is 14 and the boy is 17, unfortunately, they were married as part of a "fun" joke. The Rabbi's didn't think it was very funny and they proclaimed the marriage a divorce which inevitably becomes a disgrace to the girl and not to the boy. Why? What is the point of all of this garbage? Have you ever noticed that humor is completely different now days? Look at jackass and Bam Margera. What a bunch of losers! But the youth of today think they are amazing. If someone takes a crap in the middle of their kitchen and puts it on tv then it is considered hilarious? What the F@#$? If I broke my leg and someone put it on tv and people began laughing at it I wouldn't be very happy. I just don't get it, has society just become so corrupt that the only way we can laugh is to hurt someone? Whatever happened to slap-stick comedy, you know, when someone actually says something half-way witty and it makes sense!

Also, what's up with all the horror crap out there? Horror flicks and tv shows are the biggest thing out there these days. I think it is sad that people want to be scared, they want to feel something so bad that they are willing to let it happen through scare tactics and not through love and compassion.

Ever look at Craigslist and see the personal adds? How about all those people out there putting themselves out on the meat market. They can't meet people in real life, so they put their flesh out on craigslist in order to feel like they are worth something.

If you haven't noticed, our society happens to be in a moral downturn unlike has ever been seen. Filth, corruption and evil run and control this earth with such complete anonymity that people do not understand that they are being sucked into a hole so deep and so black and dark, that by the time they wake up to see where they are, they find they are in a certain kind of hell that will not go away with human cures. Nobody can cure you for all the evil you have committed.

At least the way things look we should all be hopeless and depressed. We should be looking for anything and everything that will please us, a world of hedonism. But wait, isn't that what kind of world we are in right now? Anything goes, nothing is impossible, even for the poorest people on earth. Anyone can become what this world calls free, and still be as bound and locked up as the foulest con on deathrow. Is there any hope? Can anyone free us from this pit of dispair?

Not to be cliche, but I believe there is a way out, a way of freedom. It is no secret and it's free. The problem is, it's the hardest thing for a person on this earth to do. The way out of dispair and death is through Jesus Christ. He lived and died the perfect man and while fulling being God never imposed his deity on humankind in order to have his way, only the way of his father. The way of his father was that he die for all people because he loved us so much. Believing in Jesus is easy, understanding the basic concepts of what he did seems to make sense, but what is hard is that you must follow Jesus and the way of the father just as Jesus did when he was on earth.

Following Jesus is hard, but if it keeps me from the pits of hell and keeps me close to him, then I will do whatever I can in order to stay with him.

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